Fluxury by Sergio Benvenuto

Sergio Benvenuto


Sergio Benvenuto’s interests are reflected in his three professions: psychoanalyst, philosopher, and essayist.  After completing his Maîtrise in Psychology at the Université of Paris VII in 1973, he went on to complete a Laurea in Sociology (with a thesis on insanity) in 1976 at the Università di Urbino.  He was pursuing a doctorate (with a thesis on melancholy) with Jean Laplanche at Paris VII for a number of years—ultimately not completed (for Laplanche his text was not Freudian enough).

He is a former Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Technologies and Sciences (ISTC) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Rome, where he sought, in vain, to introduce a philosophical and/or psychoanalytic approach.  He is President of the Institute Elvio Fachinelli (alias: Institute of Advanced Studies in Psychoanalysis) in Rome, and founded, in 1995, the European Journal of Psychoanalysis, which is from 2021 edited by Fernando Castrillon and Tomas Machevsky.  He is member of the Editorial Board of American Imago, collaborated or he continues to collaborate with a number of cultural journals scattered throughout the world, such as Telos (New York), Lettre Internationale (German, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Italian and Rumanian editions), Texte (Vienna), Journal for Lacanian Studies (London), Division/Review (New York), Cliniques Mèditérranéennes (Marseille) and L'évolution psychiatrique (Paris).  For Einaudi, he translated Jacques Lacan’s Séminaire XX: Encore.
He published books in many languages on psychoanalysis, philosophy of science and of politics, on social psychology. His books in English: with A. Molino, In Freud’s Tracks (New York: Aronson, 2008) nominated for Gradiva Award; What Are Perversions? (London: Karnac Books, 2016); Conversations with Lacan (London: Routledge, 2020); Lacan, Kris and the Psychoanalytic Legacy: The Brain Eater (London: Routledge 2023).

Born in Naples in 1948, he felt it was about time to make some of his writings available to those who will follow.  


Sergio Benvenuto
Via Dandolo 24
I-00153  Roma
+39-06 5818 695
+39-329 2747 536
skype: sergio.benvenuto.rome


His publications in English include: ‘Wittgenstein and Lacan Reading Freud’, Journal for Lacanian Studies, vol. 4, nr. 1, 2006, pp. 99–20; « Perversion and charity : an ethical approach », in D. Nobus & L. Downing eds., Perversion. Psychoanalytic Perspectives / Perspectives on Psychoanalysis (London : Karnac, 2006); with A. Molino, In Freud’s Tracks (New York: Aronson, 2008) nominated for Gradiva Award; “The Monsters Next Door”, American Imago. Psychoanalysis and Human Sciences, 69, 2012, 4; “The Gaze of the Blind. Notes on Cézanne and Cubism”, American Imago, vol. 70, 3, Fall 2013. “Does Perversion Need the Law?”, W. Müller-Funk, I. Scholz-Strasser, H. Westerink, Psychoanalysis, Monotheism and Morality (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2013). “Ethics, Wonder and Real in Wittgenstein”, in Y. Gustafsson, C. Kronqvist, H. Nykänen, eds., Ethics and the Philosophy of Culture: Wittgensteinian Approaches, 2013, Cambridge Scholar Publishing. What are Perversions? (London: Karnac, 2016). Conversations with Lacan (London: Routledge, 2020).

His latest Italian publications: Leggere Freud (Napoli: Orthotes, 2018); "Godere senza limiti. Un italiano nel maggio 68 a Parigi (Milano: Mimesis, 2018); La ballata del mangiatore di cervella. Kris, Lacan e l'eredità freudiana (Salerno: Orthotes, 2020); Lo psichiatra e il sesso (Milano: Mimesis,  2021).

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